The memory of love continues in our soul., pub-6686595889960833, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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The touch of his hands, the memory of his smile must come to our mind, but we have the ability to talk to her.
We may have left the stony rivalry, conflict and struggle of independence in love,
but the memory of it will always be there in life.
Remembrance of love brings joy and happiness to our mind. All of us were not acutely affected by his memories,
and his face became the site of rewards that brought us to the screen of our minds.
Memories of love boost your confidence. When you are in the company of your lover, you overcome negativity,
find the courage to live your dreams again, and experience more fulfillment in life with a loving companion.
The memory of love awakens our intimacy.
The memory of love expands our mind. The memory of his touch, the memory of his voice,
the memory of his smile fills our lives with new colors.
His sweet dreams inspire our dreams and give us positive direction.
The power of loving memories supports our spiritual growth.
You learn from experiences in love, strategize with your lover, make understandings and set expectations.
Through these memories we see the essential value and nature of our soul.
Remembering love creates an atmosphere of happiness and prosperity in our lives.
You develop idealized love through memories of love, witnessed by their virtues through their many eyes.
In his company you gain confidence, happiness and strength.
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