Love and health future., pub-6686595889960833, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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Every human wants to be healthy and healthy life is an asset because of healthy life we can move successfully in the fields we do.
Why is it important to be healthy?
Today in the hectic life of competition and stress people don’t even have time to pay attention to health but
if we don’t pay attention to health then we have to pay a huge price in financial and physical form.
Apart from this, when health problems arise, our regular activities become interrupted.
Today our routines are so busy that many people neglect their health. It affects your health.
But we can stay healthy only if we follow all these things.
Healthy life is the jewel of human being through healthy life we can inspire and encourage others.
Living a healthy life is an art and one who acquires this art is very fortunate.
We can buy other great possessions with “wealth and wealth.”
But body wealth is such that whether you are poor or rich, if you maintain it, it gives you long life.
Body wealth is such a thing that once lost it is very difficult to get it back. No, many times it is not possible for a person to get that wealth again.
What do you do to stay healthy?
For a healthy night, I wake up early every morning, go for at least one hour morning walk in the open air,
while walking do yoga in the open field, after coming back, take a full breakfast in the morning after taking a bath etc.
In breakfast, broken grains are preferably eaten in our house, green leaves go for a walk in the air, vegetables are eaten raw regularly.
Seasonable fruits are also eaten regularly. He also eats a lot in the afternoon.
We also have regular breads made from Jowari Bajri Naachni. Wheat husks are used minimally.
Dinner is kept to a minimum. Drink hot water half an hour after dinner. Even at night he always sleeps before ten.
Invest in Yourself: 25 Health and Wellness Tips for a Brighter Future.